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#304 : Argent de poche

Résumé : Miley demande à son père d'augmenter son argent de poche, ce qu'il accepte. Il lui propose même de lui ouvrir un compte bancaire. Elle se rend vite compte que son père la teste pour savoir si elle sait gérer son argent. Elle prend donc la décision de ne plus rien dépenser...



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You Never Give Me My Money

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Argent de poche

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Miley and Lily walk onto the beach area outside Rico's Shack to meet Oliver, and are surprised to find that the popular establishment is covered in a giant multi coloured tent. They walk over and take a seat at the table of which Oliver accompanies.

Hey Oliver, what's going on?

Oh well, I'm kinda getting over a cold, oh, fighting off some weaken feet split, oh and uh, this new underwear my Mom just got me... they are way to tight!
You know how we're so close, and we tell each other everything? (to Oliver) Let's not do that anymore!

Yeah, I meant what's going on at Rico's?
Oh, there's a tent up.
Thank you, Captain (emphasizes) Duh!

With that, as trumpets sound, a man comes racing around Rico's shack pulling off the tent to unveil Rico sitting on the counter with a sassy 1960's outfit on. Some women come out holding plates.

Olla, omigoes! Get ready for a fiesta in your mouth! It's Rrrrrrrrricos empanada extravagenza!

As traditional music plays, Rico begins to do a dance. Miley, Lily and Oliver rise and stand by him.

Hey, I'll try an empanada.

I don't sell empanadas! I sell (emphasizes) empa--annnades!

Fine! I'll have an emp--anada!

MILEY (As the ladies come over)
Oh yeah, me too. And a bottle of (emphasizes) wa-aaater!

OK, I'll try one too.

As they grab their food, the ladies with the plates go around to the others around the beach. Comprehensions dawn on the three teen's faces after biting into the food.

LILY (Delighted)
Ohh ...

MILEY (Delighted)
Holy ...

OLIVER (Delighted)

Miley turns to Rico.

Rico, these are amazing! (scrutinizes his cheek) I could kiss you!

B...bbring it on! (gestures kiss with lips)
But I won't. Cause then I'd yak up my empanada!

Fine. (shouts) Three bucks people!

There is a loud echo of a whine from the group, with remarks such as "oh, come on". Miley finds herself out of money.

MILEY I ... I'm all out. Can you wait until I get my allowance?

Why wait when there's other forms of payment? Which brings us back to ... (he beckons a kiss with his lips to Miley)

Lily, lone me three bucks!

Lily passes Miley the cash and she shoves it on Rico's lips.
I love the ladies. (looking at the cash) But George Washington ... you're still the best.

He walks away embracing the cash as Miley, Lily and Oliver take a seat at the table again.

OK ... That was way to close. I gotta' get a raise on my allowance.

LILY Oh, you think ... (impersonates Robby) 'back when I was a boy', is going to give you more money?

Besides, didn't he just raise your allowance like a couple of months ago?

Yeah. And it's not his fault you blow it all on shoes. You guys had a deal.

Yeah, but no deal is a match for the puppy dog face, watch it ... (Miley puts on a sad, hard done by puppy dog face to Lily and Oliver and speaks in a whinish tone) Please Daddy ...
In the Stewart household, Jackson is standing beside his father at the table in the kitchen with a similar face on to what Miley expressed just before. He speaks in the same babyish tone.

Please Daddy ...

Miley, Lily and Oliver stick their heads in from the door near the piano, stacked on top of each other.  
Now don't start that again, boy. That silly puppy dog face don't walk on me anymore.

Miley raises her eyebrows.

Besides, I just bumped up your curfew last month.

JACKSON This is a huge party and I'm gonna' be the only one who's gonna' have to leave early.

Well to bad! Back when I was a boy ...

Miley hits herself across the head, unable to believe her stupidity in the matter.
ROBBY (Continued)
If I made a deal with my Daddy, I stuck to it. Now take a page from your sister. I just raised her allowance and you don't see her come whining around asking for more money with that silly puppy dog looking face.
OLIVER (His head through the door, to Miley)
How funny is that. You were just about to go in there and whine for more money with that silly puppy dog face ... (Miley and Lily glare at him with a look) ... and I'm gonna shut up now.

Miley and Lily roll their eyes as the three of them get up and turn back away to the outside porch.

*** Miley, Oliver and Lily are sitting at the table on the porch outside the Stewart household. Miley has her feet leaning up on the table, golden sandals strapped across her feet.
MILEY (Annoyed) Stupid sandals! "Buy me, buy me! I'm expensive but I'm cute!" (to sandals) I should put you at the back of the closet so you can think about what you've did you open toed little teasers!
LILY (Impersonating: sandals) Or you could give us to Lily ... (Oliver stares at her) That would punish us!  Miley looks over at Lily.
LILY Hey! Don't look at me, you're the one who bought the talking shoes!
OLIVER I so need more guy friends!
MILEY (Sighs) Now, I have to wait until I get my next allowance. I can't go anywhere! I'm trapped in it's re-run season. (punches air) Curse you cruel fate!
LILY Oh come on Miley, you'll get through it. And we'll be right here with you.
OLIVER (To Lily) Oh, except for the night we got that movie ...
LILY Sssh!
MILEY (Offended) You're going to a movie without me?
LILY Well ... you don't have the money, and if we don't go then there'll be thre of us who are sad, now, (speaks in soft voice, placing hand on Miley's shoulder) you wouldn't want that would you?
MILEY (Soft tone) (she places her hand on Lily's shoulder) Yes I would.
They let go of each other's shoulders.
LILY Come on! You're Hannah stinkin' Montana! You just starred in a movie and you don't have enough money to see one! That's ridiculous!
MILEY (taking charge) You are right! I am Hannah stinkin' Montana and I'm going to go and get myself a stinkin' raise! Wo! (she walks inside)
OLIVER You think she's gonna get it?
LILY No stinking way!


Miley walks into the kitchen to find Robby and Jackson sitting at the kitchen table.
MILEY Daddy, I need to talk to you.
JACKSON Ar, excuse me! But we are having a serious conversation right now. (Jackson raises his fist horizontally to his father to reveal a face drawn on with permanent marker. Jackson speaks in a sweet, soft voice) Please let Jackson go to the party! Or I'll be his only friend! And that would be sad. And weird.
Robby raises his fist to reveal a face drawn on the same as Jackson's, only with a cowboy hat perched on top. Robby accents the same voice.
JACKSON (Rises from seat) You are the worst dad ever! (he walks away)
MILEY Daddy, I have to talk to you.
He raises his fist with the face on it and speaks the same way as he did before.
ROBBY What's up, partner?
She pushes the fist down.
ROBBY Oh sorry, what's up bud?
MILEY OK ... I'm not going to beat around the bush, I'm just going to come out ... and say it. Lay it all the table! Right here, right now! (pauses) Is that a new shirt?
ROBBY Sure is! It's one of those new micro-fibres. Totally stain resistant, yet soft, stylish and tap...  As he is about to finish, Miley shouts at the top of her voice interrupting him, unable to hold it anymore.
MILEY (Shouts) I need a raise in my allowance!
ROBBY (Taken aback) What?
MILEY I know you just gave me one, but I'm sixteen now. I mean you can trust me with a car, and you can't trust me with just a little Hannah money! I mean, I'm not talking crazy cash, just like a ten ... or a twenty.
ROBBY How's five thousand dollars sound?
MILEY (Shocked) Daddy's who's wallet's even tighter than his jeans say what?
ROBBY (As he puts his plate on the bench and goes to get a cheque) Yeah, I mean you are getting older. You do work hard for your money. You're a responsible young lady, and dang-flab-it! I think you deserve it.
MILEY I do? I mean - (changes tone to more suitable approach, tuts) yeah, I do! (gets excited) I am totally responsible enough to hand five thousand smack-e-rooneys!
ROBBY (Hands her the cheque) Alright then. I say first thing tomorrow morning we stop your allowance you take that down to the bank and open up your very own checking account.
Miley, excited, goes around and embraces her father in a hug.
 MILEY Oh daddy, thank you so much, you will not regret this, I promise! I'm getting tears on your new shirt, I'm sorry.
ROBBY Oh, that's OK ... look, the tears bead right off. That's the micro fibre at work.
MILEY (Referring to the cheque) I cannot wait to tell Lily and Oliver.
ROBBY Ar .. something tells me they already know.
They turn around and see that Lily and Oliver are dancing wildly with excitment outside on porch outside. As Lily and Oliver notice they are being watched, they back away.
 Later on in the kitchen, Robby pours some red soda over his shirt across the sink as Jackson walks in.
 JACKSON Well, well, well.
ROBBYWow! Look at those micro fibres work, son. I sure could've used this shirt when you kids were potty training. You were like an out of control fire hoze!
JACKSON I don't want to hear any more of your stories, Mr. "Back when I was a Boy". You won't change my curfew, but when Miley asks for more money it's, "anything for my favorite". That hurts. Bad. (turns away, smiling, but speaks in a hurt voice) That's why I stop growing. You need love to grow!
ROBBY You know what son. I feel your "fake" pain, so I'm going to fake like a bought it. I'm going to raise your curfew.
Jackson's expression turns from hurt to over joyed.
 JACKSON You ... oh, come here you big old slice of southern fried wonderful! (embraces his father in a hug)
 ROBBY Just make sure you take your cell phone with you in case I need to get a hold of you.
JACKSON Ar ... sure ... (Jackson feels through his pockets) What possible reason would I have to say no to that perfectly reasonable request? (turns to lounge) Heaven, this room is a mess! (scowers living room)
 ROBBY You lost your phone again, didn't you?
JACKSON No! I know exactly where it is ... it's ... charging ... in it's special ... you know ... charging place. Would you excuse me? (he starts for upstairs)
ROBBY You looking for something?
JACKSON (turns back) Like what? My cell phone because I lost it or something? You wish! (consistent laughter, as he grabs up the house phone and races upstairs, most likely to call the number of his cell to locate it).
 As Jackson goes, Robby goes to the fridge to put the soda bottle away. As he does so, the egg carton begins to ring like a phone. He puts the soda away and opens the carton to reveal Jackson's cell phone ringing off.
 ROBBY You know what, if the boy didn't know already know where his phone was then I'd tell him. But since he knows "egg-zactly" where it is ... (puts the carton back in fridge, commending himself) Oh, Robby Ray, you know yolk-ster! He, he, he!
 At the Beverly Hills National Bank, Lily and Oliver are in Ajay's office waiting for Miley to choose which book she wants.
  LILY Oh, what about these cheques with the romantic couple walking on the beach?
 AJAY Excellent choice, very popular. (he grins at them)
 MILEYNo, I don't need to be reminded every time I go to write a cheque that I don't have a boyfriend.
 AJAY Perfectly understandable. (he grins again)
  OLIVER Ar, you know what, I'd go with the eagle, because it's strong, majestic ... independent.
 MILEY No, when I see bird, I think poop.
 AJAY I'll get another book for you, Miss Stewart. (he takes the folder from Miley and walks away)
  MILEY (Mocking Ajay's tone) That would be great Ajay! (as Ajay is gone) you see that, he called me Miss Stewart.
 LILY Ar, no, I think he called you "Miss Stewart" (grins)
  MILEY Who cares? Like my dad, he realizes that I am a mature, responsible adult, totally capable of handling finiancial matters. (Ajay hands Miley a new folder) Oh, kitty playing with yarn! Cute!
 MILEY Ignore him. I'll take the kitties. (hands Ajay the folder)
  AJAY Let me just order those for you.
 He walks away.
  OLIVER That was weird, he didn't smile.
 Ajay suddenly walks back in.
  AJAY Oops almost forgot ... (he repeats his smile, walking out again)
  MILEY I cannot believe I am about to have my very own checking account with five thousand smak-a-rooneys in it!
 Miley and Lily's watchs beep.
  LILY Just in time for our ...
 MILEY, LILY "Monthly Mall Crawl".
 LILY (To Miley) I think it's so cool your dad trusts you like that.
 OLIVER My Dad still holds my hand in parking lots ... (realizes what he has said) and we're forgetting I said that right now!
 Miley raises her cell phone to her ears as it rings.
  MILEY What do you want, Jackson?
In the Stewart living room, Jackson is balancing the couch on his back while talking on the phone. The cushions are dismissed across the floor, along with various other items.
  JACKSON Have you seen my phone?
Back at the bank, Miley couldn't care less.
  MILEY It's right next to the box of "I Couldn't care less".
Jackson is struggling even more so.   
JACKSON This is serious, I can't find it anywhere!  
Finally, the couch collapses upon him. He finds himself buried underneath it.
Back at the bank.   
MILEY Well did you check in the living room?
Jackson crawls out from under the couch and speaks in annoyance, adressing the question.   
MILEY Nooo! The thought never occured to me!  
Miley hangs up on Jackson and puts the phone back on the desk.   
OLIVER What's going on?  
MILEY Dad's given Jackson a chance for a little more responsibilty, and once again, he's blown it! See, that's the difference between us. Dad always has to test Jackson, but with me, he just trusts me ... and I cannot believe I didn't see this coming!  
OLIVER (Tuts, fake) Wow!  
LILY (Fake) Yeah, it's so obvious!  
MILEY You guys have no idea, do you?  
LILY No.  
OLIVER Not a clue.  
MILEY That sneaky hill-billy's testing me to see if I'll blow it and waste five thousand dollars on stupid things.  
Ajay walks back in.   
AJAY By the way, the kitty cheques are an extra five dollars a box. (grins)   
Miley's temper suddenly flares.  
MILEY (Rises) Can the kitties Mr. Happy and give me the free cheques! And wipe that smile off your face because I'm not buying it. I'm not buying anything. Oh yeah! (grins back at him)   
Lily, Oliver and Miley walk onto the beachfront surrounding Rico's shack. Miley has purse in her hands.   
LILY So you're not going to spend any of that money? What about our Mall Crawl? We're going to have a ball! You got a lot of (I have no idea what she is saying here)   
MILEY Relax, Dr. Seuss! Of course I'm going to do the Mall Crawl, I'm just not going to buy anything.  
OLIVER You know Miley, good for you. Because that way, she can take the money and give it to the needy. For example, I needy some new kicks.  
Lily kicks his behind.   
LILY Is that your size?  
OLIVER (sarcastically) I wouldn't know, I didn't feel it!  
MILEY I'm not giving the money to anybody! Remeber when my dad gave me the emergency credit card and I totally blew it? Not this time. I am not spending my money on anything dad thinks is stupid.  
Rico is standing behind the counter with the same outfit he had on yesterday.   
RICO Today only, with every (emphasizes) impanada, get a complimentry drrrrrrr .... (he falls to the ground, and everyone crowds around to see if he is alright. Lily draws Miley away).   
LILY Ha, so Miley. We all know you're gonna say that you can do it, but then you're going to get to the mall and see like, some earrings, and be all like "gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme!" (she pulls on her ear and sighs, mocking Miley's reaction to earrings).   
MILEY That's not going to happen. You want to know why? I'm giving you my cheque book. (she holds out her purse for Lily to claim).   
LILY (Shocked)Wow, you're serious about this.  
MILEY Yes I am.  
However, Miley still has a grip on her purse and is refusing to release. Lily pulls at it, but it won't slip from Miley's hand.   
LILY Oliver, a little help here!  
OLIVER I think this a job for "Slurpy Sam, the Finger Man". (Oliver licks his finger and is set to give Miley a wet willy, but she comes to her senses and steps back, releasing the purse).   
MILEY Aargh! Byt thank you Oliver, I needed that. (she looks over and sees Robby stretching on the other side of the beach) Oh, look who just convieniently jogged in. Pathetic. Pretening to stretch so he can spy on me. Well you can stretch those hammies until they turn to bacon, Mister, because I ain't blowing it.  
Robby cheerfully jogs over to greet them.   
ROBBY Hey Miley! How you doing?  
MILEY (Darkly, to Lily and Oliver) So "innocent". (turns to Robby) I'm great daddy, thank you! And F.Y.I, I won't be buying a trill, Because I have three already at home! Because I'm a smart cookie! Which I won't be buying either! Because I got it free at home! Smart! Cookie!  
ROBBY (Pats Miley on shoulder) Oikey Dokey. (he jogs off, Miley turns to Lily and Oliver)   
MILEY Check! And mate! Ha!  
She struts off. When she is out of ear shot, Oliver gestures a cucko clock with his hands and face, meaning to say that she is "crazy".   
OLIVER Cucko! Cucko!  
He smiles and giggles a little, hoping the same from Lily, but she just stares at him. Realizing he isn't going to get any better response from her, he follows after Miley.   
***  That night, back at the Stewart household, Jackson is kneeling down beside a golden dog in the living room. He has his phone charger in his hands.
  JACKSON OK, here's the charger boy, sniff! (he puts the charger to the dog's nose) Sniff it good. OK, go get the phone!
The dog runs over to the fridge and opens it, and a preturbed Jackson follows on.
  JACKSON No, no. Phone first. Then you get your treat. (he goes over to the dog, who is now holding the egg carton) Hey, you're costing me fifty dollars an hour and I got a party to go to! Now come on, no phone, no bone! (he squats down beside the dog) You are completly worthless.
Jackson takes the egg carton and puts it back in the fridge.
  JACKSON Let me give you one more chance.
Suddenly keys can be heard rattling in the door. Jackson ushers the dog out the back door.
  JACKSON You are a disappointment to dogs everywhere!
Robby walks in with a bag full of groceries.
  ROBBY Hey Jackson! What are you doing home, I thought you'd be at your party by now.
JACKSON (Shrugs) I did to. But I'm not. Why are you asking? (sadly, as he takes a seat at the table) Because my father doesn't trust me.
ROBBY Oh, you don't think I trust you?
JACKSON If you trusted me then you'd let me go to this party without having to check up on me. (comprehension dawning on his face) It's humiliating. Can't you understand that?
All this while Robby has been reaching into the fridge and taking out the egg carton that Jackson's cell phone is within. Robby opens the carton to see if the phone is still inside.
  ROBBY Oh yeah, I understand it. (walks over to Jackson with carton) So you want me to make an egg-ception? You want to go to this party knowing that I'm not going to call you to check up on you.
JACKSON (Smiles) That would work for me.
ROBBY Well OK then. Because I sure don't want to be "hard-boiled" about this, "scramble" (ruffles Jackson's hair) up your plans. So ar, I'm letting you go.
JACKSON Well great!
Jackson runs out towards the front door, Robby following closely behind.
  ROBBY Yep, well if my son says I can trust him then dang flab it, I'm going to take him for his word.
Before Jackson departs, he stops in his tracks, turns back to his father, looking guilty. For a moment it looks as though he is going to admit what has happened, but no.
  JACKSON OK then. Bye!
Jackson walks out.
  ROBBY Unbelievable! (goes outside, shouting) Jackson! (notices Jackson sitting outside on the porch)
 JACKSON I lost my phone, OK? I'm not going to the party. There's the truth. Happy?
ROBBY Yes I am! (he embraces Jackson in a hug. Jackson has to fight to break free).
JACKSON Yes I am? What kind of a father are you?
ROBBY A proud one! You told me the truth. And better yet - you didn't even have to! Now I know I really can trust you. Go onto your party, son.
JACKSON Well thanks, dad. And I promise, from now on, total honesty!
Robby gives his son a thumbs up, as a barking is heard from inside the house. Robby turns to find the golden dog that Jackson was training before is sitting on the couch with the egg carton sticking out of his mouth.
ROBBY Jackson, what is that dog doing on my couch?
JACKSON I have no idea! Bye! (he runs off)
Robby walks back into the house and talks to the dog.
ROBBY I don't know who you are. But would you mind taking my son's cell phone out to him?
The dog jumps off the couch and runs after Jackson. Robby closes the door after him.
ROBBY If only Jackson were that trainable.
At the mall, Miley and Lily walk into the jewelry store.
LILY Wow. We've crawled through half the mall and you haven't asked for your cheque book once.
MILEY Yeah, that's because I don't need it! And you want to know something else? It feels good not to buy anything. To longer be one of those weak, spineless consumers that these malls pray on.
Oliver walks in holding bags of clothes, unable to keep his balance. He is wearing a silvery hat.
OLIVER You guys like my new hat? Bought five!
A voice speaking over the intercom is heard.
INTERCOM [V/O] Attention shoppers. Forty percent off all mens sporting goods.
OLIVER It's like they know I'm here!
He walks off grinning.
MILEY I used to be like that. (they begin to walk) So sad. If only he had my strength, my will power. I mean, there is nothing in this entire mall that could get me to look at you and say ... (a light shines upon a giant pearl shell of make up powder)
VOICE [V/O] Yes, it's pearls by Henri. The finest make up in the world.
MILEY (gasps, to Lily) Give me my cheque book!
LILY Miley, you don't want to do this.
MILEY But it's pearls by Henri! The finest make up in the world! Come on!
LILY (firmly) No.
Miley grabs a golden bag up from the shelf.
MILEY Lily! It's gift with purchase. (she puts on her "puppy" dog face)
LILY The puppy dog face? Really Miley, no. You're not getting your cheque book.
MILEY (Annoyed) Fine. Keep my cheque book. (expression changes- I don't need it, I got something better than money.
She walks over to a young girl and her mother. The young girl is singing a Hannah Montana song, "Supergirl" and wearing a blonde concert wig.
GIRL When I'm walking around, everybody stops. Cameras flashing, people fighting for the best shot. They like my hair ...
Miley tears the wig from the girls head.
MILEY You wear this thing to long, it'll give you a head rash. Believe me honey, I know.
The girl and her mother walk away. Lily is on her mobile phone to Oliver behind where she and Miley were standing before.
LILY (On phone)Oliver! I need you! Oh, I don't care if footballs are two for one, get over here!
She hangs up. Miley comes walking over to the saleswoman by the make up in the blonde wig.
MILEY Hello, I'm Hannah Montana, and I just wanted to know if I could get some free samples ... you know, like a celebrity endorsement.
The mother and daughter sneak up behind her, and the mother tears off the wig.
MOTHER You should be ashamed!
The girl stomps on Miley's foot.
The mother and daughter walk off.
LILY Miley. Look at yourself.
Miley turns around to face Lily, speaking in a possessed tone.
MILEY Miley isn't here anymore! Give me my cheque book!
LILY Eeep!
Lily runs over behind a pole, dodging Miley's moves. Oliver walks in with football gear on.
LILY Oliver! Go deep!
I'm open!
Lily chucks the purse over to Oliver, and Miley reaches for it as it goes slowly through the air. She catches it but lands in a giant pearl shell of powder. The pearls' lid closes. It opens again to reveal Miley lying covered in powder.
MILEY What do you think, a little to much?
Robby is using the air from the chainsaw to get rid of the powder on Miley's body outside on the front porch, her eyes covered. He stops the chainsaw following completion.
ROBBY There you go, darling. I think that got her done. I kind of prefer the no make up look anyway!
MILEY Daddy, stop being so nice to me, I know you're disappointed. Just come right out and say it.
ROBBY Mile --
MILEY Exactly! You gave me more responsibility and I blew it. It's the credit card thing all over again, ain't that right?
ROBBY Listen, darl --
Yet again Miley interrupts him mid sentence.
MILEY I know! You would think I'd learn by now but obviously I haven't.
ROBBY You know bud, it's ...
MILEY Dad! I get it! OK! You don't have to go on, and on, and on ...
ROBBY I'm not disappointed in you!
MILEY Go on!
ROBBY The only reason you couldn't handle this money, is because you didn't trust yourself as much as I trust you.
ROBBY I didn't give you the five thousand dollars wondering if you were ready for it. I gave it to you because I knew you were.
MILEY If I was so ready, why do I still have powder in my pits?
ROBBY (smiles) Now that's because you didn't raise you arms when I asked you to.
MILEY This isn't funny.
The two of them take a seat on the chair outside the window.
ROBBY Mile. You've always had me there to say no for you. But now - you've got to learn how to say it for yourself. The problem is that you have to remember ... sometimes it's OK to say yes. Unless you're talking about boys, because then the answer's always no.
ROBBY Always! I'm just saying that handling money is just like everything else in life. You just got to find the right balance.
MILEY So you're saying it would've been OK for me to say yes to the make up and the belt, just as long as I said no to the sunglasses, shoes and ... the other belt.
ROBBY And the boys! Always say no to the boys.
MILEY (Fake) If it gets you through the day daddy.
Robby is sitting at the kitchen table eating some food.
ROBBY No, no, no. We had an agreement and that's that. Back when I was a boy if I made a deal with my daddy we stuck to it. Oh, now don't go giving me that puppy dog face again because it ain't going to work!
The person Robby is talking to is revealed to be the golden dog from earlier - sitting beside him with a napkin across his neck. The dog purrs.
ROBBY (Giving in) Oh all right, but don't tell Jackson. (he puts the spoon of food in the dog's mouth)

Source : twiztv

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Selena Gomez vient de sortir son dernier clip, Back To You, sur le net où elle aborde une toute...

Young & Hungry : Pas de 6e saison, mais un film !

Young & Hungry : Pas de 6e saison, mais un film !
Freeform a annoncé que Young & Hungry avec Emily Osment se terminera avec la 5e saison, qui...


Les nouveautés des séries et de notre site une fois par mois dans ta boîte mail ?

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Miley Cyrus, c'est un bon nombre de chansons très connues. Laquelle préférez-vous ?

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Total : 5 votes
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Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

Viens chatter !